Note on Contributors. Acknowledgments. Preface. Pa r t I : LA N G U A G E, LI TERA TU RE, CU LTU RE . Eva nge l i a A c hl a di . The Reverend Father Meletios Sakoulidis (1926-2009) and his Karamanlidika Collection. St a vr os T. A ne s t i di s. Yunan ve Türk Edebiyatında Erken Karamanlı Tiplemeleri. Se l e na y A yt a c. Unification of Karamanlides’ Memories: A Proposal for Creating the Karamanlidika Virtual Library. Mu r a t C a n k a r a. Reading Akabi, (Re-)Writing History: On The Questions of Currency. and Interpretation of Armeno-Turkish Fiction. Me r i h E r o l. Cultural Manifestations of a Symbiosis : Karamanlidika Epitaphs of. the Nineteenth Century. Ma t t h i a s K a p p l e r. The Place of the Grammatiki tis Tourkikis Glossis (1730) by Kanellos Spanós in Ottoman Greek Grammarianism and Its Importance for Karamanlidika Studies . Sa br i M . K oz . Bir Â!ık Tâlib-Bir Karamanlıca Dîvân: Dîvân-ı Tâlib. La ur e nt M i gnon . “()*+, bizim”: Notes on the Nature of Karamanlı Literature. Me h m e t Ö lm e z. Karamanlılardan Uçhisar’a Kalanlar. Al e x a n d r a S f o i n i. "urcophonie, orthodoxie et langue grecque. Johann S t rauss . Le lexique technique du christianisme en karamanli : remarques préliminaires . Au d e Ay l i n d e T a p i a. De La Porteuse de Pain (1884) à l’ Etmekçi Hatun (1885). Un roman populaire français chez les Karamanlis. Ox a n a E f r o s i n i a T r a n d a f i l o v a - Louka . A Gagauz Folk Adaptation of the Karamanlidika Poem Abraham’s Sacrifice: A Comparative Linguistic Approach. Pa r t I I : TH E PRESS . Eva nge l i a A c hl a di . The Karamanlidika periodical AKTIS (1913-1915). Ga r o Ap r a h a my a n. A Note on Sdepanyan’s Bibliography of Armeno-Turkish periodicals. Eva nge l i a Ba l t a – N u rd a n $ afak . The "Dervi!" Savvas Rumi Pa!a and the Karamanlidika Newspaper. Sebat. Ay c a Ba y d a r. Karamanlidika Press between Greek and Turkish Nationalism (1920-. 1923). St e f o Be nl i s oy . "Another Newspaper in our Language!” : Competition and Polemic in. the Karamanlidika Press. St e l i os I r a kl e ous . Sociolinguistic Aspects of -..+/0123,45 674*7489/), 0*74:; 1872-. 1896. Me r y e m O r a k ç ı. Karamanlica Bir Gazete : TERAKKI. $ eh n az $ i ! ma n o " lu $ im ! ek . Karamanlidika Literary Production at the end of the 19th Century as reflected in the pages of Anatoli. Index.