Acknowledgement Preface Introduction Part 1: The Quest for Black Gold Part II: The Fateful Years Part III: Consolidation of British Interests Part IV: Oh! Those Troublesome Ottoman Heirs Part V:Voices of Reason Fall on Deaf Ears Part VI: A Game of Cat & Mouse Part VII: Can Anyone Else Help? How About France? The U.S.A.? Part VIII: Is It Too Late For a Miracle to Happen? Part IX: So What Is It All About? Conclusion Epilogue Appendices: I. H.I.M. Sultan Abdülhamid II – A Profile II. The Capitulatory Regime of the Ottoman Empire: Its History, Origin and Nature III. The Lausanne Peace Treaty July 24, 1923 IV. List of International Lawyers Involved in the Ottoman Imperial Family’s Property Claims V. Calouste S. Gulbenkian – A Profile VI. The Iraq Petroleum Company - The Creation of a Genius - Main Stages VII. Bahaeddin Sami — A Profile VIII. Bahaeddin Sami’s Memorandum of 1987 Illustrations