PREFACE TABLE OF CONTENTS INTRODUCTION R. Gen. Yaşar Büyükanıt Change of Defense in Turkey Gordon England The Transformation of U.S. Defense Lt. Gen. Jim Solligan The Transformation of Defense: NATO Prof. Erhan Büyükakıncı War and History: Methodological Debates Prof. Li Wang The Chinese Defense Concept and Its Strategy Since 1979 Dr. Polina Temerina Russian Arms Transfer Policy Under Putin and Medvedev Prof. Hüseyin Bağcı Turkey’s Changing Geopolitics Prof. Efrahim İnbar Small Wars: Theory & Practice Dr. Giovanni Ercolani Security: Between Orthodoxy and Liquidity Prof. Mesut Hakkı Caşın Mass Media Strategies on the Internatıonal Terrorism Larry D. White Is the Concept of Proportionality Still Valid in the CNN Age? Prof. Holger H.Mey The Role of Technology in Security and Defense Asst. Prof. Sait Yılmaz Transformation of Defense Evelyn A. Early Public Diplomacy and Counter Extremism Prof. Kamer Kasım Russia’s Policy Towards the Black Sea and The Caucasus Muzaffer Akyıldırım Turkey’s Role in ESDP and EDA Antonia-Denisa Staedel Ethical Issues Regarding the Tactic of Targeted Killing Dr. Mireille Sadège The Defense Strategies of NATO in The Post Cold War Prof. S. Gulden Ayman NATO’s Evolution And Turkey ABBREVIATIONS LIST