Acknowledgments. Abbreviations. Introduction. SECTION I Economy: Trends & Developments 1. “Re-Imagining the World Economy: Market Connectivity and the Ottoman City in the Early Modern and Modern Era”. Initially published as “Congruence of Economic Trends and Practices in the Creation of Izmir’s Social Space: the City, the Market and the Individual during Mercantile Capitalism”, in Alp Yücel Kaya, Ayşe Sabuktay & Dilek Akyalçın Kaya, eds., Culture and Politics in the Mediterranean (Izmir Mediterranean Academy: Izmir, 2016), pp. 53-73. 2. “Market Networks and Ottoman-European Commerce, c. 1700-1825”, in Ebru Boyar & Kate Fleet, eds., The Ottomans and Trade, special issue of Oriente Moderno, Vol. LXXXVI/1 (Rome, 2006), pp. 109-128. 3. "Commerce in the eastern Mediterranean from the Eighteenth to the Early Twentieth Centuries: the City-Port of Izmir and its Hinterland", International Journal of Maritime History, Vol. X, No. 2 (December 1998), pp. 125-154. 4. “Le développement d’un port méditerranéen d’importance internationale: Smyrne (1700-1914)” Marie-Carmen Smyrnelis, ed., Smyrne, la ville oubliée? Mémoires d’un grand port ottoman (Éditions Autrement: Paris, 2006), pp. 21-49. 5. "The Port of Smyrna in the Nineteenth Century," in Apostolos Vakalopoulos, Constantine Svolopoulos & Bela Kiraly, eds., War and Society in East Central Europe, Vol. XXIII (Institute for Balkan Studies: Thessaloniki, 1988), pp. 261‑272. 6. "The Making of a Nineteenth-Century Ottoman Port: the Quay of Izmir", The Journal of Transport History, 3rd Series, Vol. 22/1 (March 2001), pp. 23-46. SECTION II Western Anatolia & The Aegean Islands 7. "The Western Anatolian Coast and the Aegean Islands in the Late Nineteenth and Early Twentieth Centuries: An Economic Survey," Proceedings of the First International Congress on the Hellenic Diaspora from Antiquity to Modern Times (Amsterdam, 1991), Vol. II, pp. 251-266. 8. “L’économie de l’Anatolie occidentale, 1908-1914”, in Marcel Bazin, Salgur Kançal, Roland Perez & Jacques Thobie, eds., La Turquie entre trois mondes (Institut Français d’Études Anatoliennes: Istanbul & Paris, 1998), pp. 239-248. 9. “The Dynamics of Economic Development: Izmir and Western Anatolia, Late 19th/Early 20th Centuries”, Kolokyum 19. Yüzyılda Mersin ve Akdeniz Dünaysı (T.C. Mersin Űniversitesi Yayınları: Mersin, Turkey, 2002), pp. 65-72. SECTION III The Wider Region 10.“The Mediterranean Commercial World of the Eighteenth Century: Ottoman and Italian Ports”, in Michela D’Angelo, Gelina Harlaftis & Carmel Vassalo, eds.,Making Waves in the Mediterranean, (Instituto di Studi Storici: Messina, 2010), pp. 467-482.197 11.“Greek Commercial practices and long-distance trade: Russia and the Ottoman Mediterranean in the 18th and early 19th centuries”, in Olga Katsiardi-Hering, Athina Kolia-Demirtzaki & Katerina Gardica, eds., Russia and the Mediterranean (Herodotos Press: Athens, 2011), Vol. I, pp. 439-456. 12."Patras", Review, Vol. XVI (Fall 1993), pp. 387-410. 13.“Monoculture in Nineteenth-Century Greece and the Port-City of Patras", Journal of the Hellenic Diaspora, Vol. 20/2 (1994), pp. 9-34. SECTION IV The Economic Actors 14."The Greek Mercantile Community of Izmir in the First Half of the Nineteenth Century" in Daniel Panzac, ed., Les Villes dans l’ Empire ottoman: Activités et Sociétés, Vol. I (CNRS: Paris, 1991), pp. 391-416. 15.“Ottoman–European Trade, Tax-Farming and the Implementation of the 1838 Anglo-Turkish Convention”. Initially published as "The Implementation of the 1838 Anglo-Turkish Convention on Izmir's Trade: European and Minority Merchants”, New Perspectives on Turkey, Vol. 7 (Spring, 1992), pp. 91-112. 16. "Concurrence commerciale et financière entre les pays occidentaux à Izmir pendant le XIXe et début XXe siècles," in Jacques Thobie, Roland Perez & Salgur Kançal, eds., Enjeux et Rapports de Force en Turquie et en Méditerranée orientale (L'Harmattan: Paris, 1996), pp. 117-127. 17. British Economic Activities in Izmir in the Second Half of the Nineteenth Century and in the Early Twentieth Centuries” New Perspectives on Turkey, Vols. 5-6 (Fall, 1991), pp. 191-227. 18. “The Economic Activities of the Greek Community of Izmir in the Second Half of the Nineteenth and Early Twentieth Centuries”, in Dimitri Gondicas & Charles Issawi, eds., Ottoman Greeks in the Age of Nationalism (Darwin Press: Princeton, NJ, 1999), pp. 17-44. 19. "American Trading Practices in Izmir in the Late Nineteenth and Early Twentieth Centuries", in Daniel Panzac, ed., Histoire économique et sociale de l'Empire ottoman et de la Turquie (Peeters: Paris, 1995), pp. 176-184.