PREFACE PART I Perceptions, Representations and the Image of the Turk in Europe from 15th Century to the Present. i. Representations of the Turk in the English and German Speaking Spaces of Europe in Early Modern Age. ii. Reflections of the Intellectual Life of the Turks in the European Media of the 18th Century The Memory Between Reality and Imagination. iii A Comparison of Memoires of Jean-Baptiste Vanmour and Jean Léon-Gérome of the Ottoman Empire, as Represented in Their Paintings. iv. The Image of the Turk in Karl May’s Novel Von Bagdad nach Stambul v. The Image of “Self” and the “Other” in the Works of the Turkish Migrant Authors in Germany. PART II i. Compendium on the Image of the Turk in Europe ii. Selected List of Publications related to the Subject Matter.