



Price: 45.00 USD
Isbn: 978-975-428-577-2
Other: 2016 430 p.

List of Tables List of  Diagrams List of Graphs List of Maps List of Illustrations List of Abbreviations Preface ProlegomenaThe Prologue THE CURTAIN RAISER Introduction Byzantium as a ‘Theater State’: Power, Ritual, Opposition PART ONE: RED BYZANTIUMChapter One PEOPLE AND POWER IN BYZANTIUM: THE MAKING AND UNMAKING OF EMPERORS Chapter Two THE RISE OF THE MILITARY ARISTOCRACY Chapter Three THE KOMNENIAN REVOLUTION Chapter Four THE LEADING CLANS UNDER THE KOMNENI Chapter Five THE TRIUMPH OF THE MILITARY ARISTOCRACY DESCRIBED PART TWO BLACK BYZANTIUMChapter Six MONASTERIES IN KOMNENIAN CONSTANTINOPLE Chapter Seven THE KOMNENI AND THE MONASTERIES Chapter Eight THE MONASTIC OPPOSITION Chapter Nine THE DOGMATIC OPPOSITION Chapter Ten THE HERETICAL OPPOSITION The Epilogue THE CURTAIN DROP ConclusionBIBLIOGRAPHYAppendix One PEOPLE AND POWER IN BYZANTIUM Appendix Two THE LIST OF ALL CHARTERS ISSUED BY THE KOMNENIAN EMPERORS INDEX OF ALL MILITARY HOLDERS IN ANNA KOMNENA’S ALEXIAD LIST OF TABLES 1.The Making and Unmaking of Emperors 2.The Highest Rank 1025-1081, 1081-1118 3.The Highest Rank 1025-1081, 1081-1118 Military v. Civil Aristocracy 4.Byzantine Clans with Top Titles under Alexios I 5.Byzantine Clans Holding the 4th Grade under Alexios I 6.Byzantine Clans Holding the 3rd Grade under Alexios I 7.Byzantine Clans Holding the 2nd Grade under Alexios I 8.Byzantine Clans Holding the Lowest Grade under Alexios I 9.Military and Civil Aristocracy 10. Military and Civil Aristocracy In and Out 11. Aristocracy under Alexios I 12. Military Clans Going Civil under Alexios I 13. Military and Civil Aristocracy under Alexios I 14. The Aristocratic Mobility under Alexios I 15. Aristocratic Clans 1081-1180 16. Difference between 1081-1118 and 1118-1180 17. Top Clan Officials under Manuel I 18. Top Clans 976-1180 19. The Number of Houses Holding Grades 0-5 20. Total Number of Highest Titles (1-5) 21. Military and Civil Aristocracy 22. Total Highest Accumulated Points 23. Progression of Highest Titleholders of the Leading Clans under the Komneni (1095-1180) 24. Titleholders under Alexios I 25. Titleholders under Manuel I 26. Top Military Dignitaries under Alexios I 27. Byzantine Writers on Aristocracy 28. List of All Monasteries in Komnenian Constantinople 29. Number of Byzantine Scribes, Classified by Status 30. Percentages of Total Number of Byzantine Scribes 31. Lay Officials at the Synod of Blachernae (1094-95) 32. The Church Hierarchy at the Synod of Blachernae (1094-1095) 33. Lay Officials at the Synod of Blachernae (1157) 34. Lay Officials at the Council of 1166 35. The Church Hierarchy at the Council of 1166 36. Lay Officials at the Second Session of the Council of 1166 37. The Church Hierarchy at the Second Session of the Council of 1166 38. Lay Officials at the Council of 1170 39. The Church Hierarchy at the Council of 1170 40. All the Emperor’s Men at the Trial of Patriarch Cosmas of Constantinople (1146-1147) LIST OF DIAGRAMS 1. Power and Solidarity 2. Power in Byzantium 3. The Anatomy of Power 4. The Anatomy of Power in Byzantium 5. Forms of Resistance in Byzantium 6. Accession and Departure of Emperors 7. Accession and End 602-717 8. Accession and End 717-820 9. Accesson and End 820-913 10. Accesson and End 913-1025 11. Accession and End 1025-1118 12. The Gnostic View of the Trinity 13. The Quaternity LIST OF GRAPHS 1. Alexios I’s Charters 2. Manuel I’s Charters 3. Accession 602-717 4. End of Rule 602-717 5. Accession 717-820 6. End of Rule 717-820 7. Accession 820-913 8. End of Rule 820-913 9. Accession 913-1025 10. End of Rule 913-1025 11. Accession 1025-1118 12. End of Reign 1025-1118 13. Byzantine Aristocracy: Mobility under Alexios I 14. Aristocracy under Alexios I 15. Aristocracy under Alexios I 16. Aristocratic Mobility under Alexios I 17. Difference between Alexios I and Later Komneni 18. Komnenian Aristocracy: Difference and  Exclusion LIST OF MAPS MAP 1 Plan of Constantinople MAP 2 The Division of the City into Faction Areas MAP 3 Monasteries in Komnenian Constantinople LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS 1. EMPEROR JOHN II KOMNENOS (1118-1143) 2. EMPEROR MANUEL I KOMNENOS (1143-1180) 3. ISAKIOS KOMNENOS 4. KONSTANTINOS LIPS MONASTERY 5. THE PANTOKRATOR MONASTERY 6. THE PAMMAKARISTOS CHURCH AND MONASTERY 7. THE PAMMAKARISTOS’ CHRIST THE PANTOKRATOR 8. CHURCH FATHERS HANDING EUTHYMIOS ZYGABENOS’ PANOPLIA DOGMATICA 9. ALEXIOS

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